Thursday, July 17, 2008

What If There Were No Yellow?

“There are, my dear Gus, too many colors around us.

One in particular causes too much of a fuss.

So howdy and hello, let’s make the world mellow.

What would the world be like if there were no yellow?

“Ah, that’s better, you see, not quite so busy.

The world’s duller now, not all in a tizzy.

Clothes don’t holler, signs don’t bellow

Now that the world has no yellow.

“The sun does its job as it must do dutifully

Though I must confess it doesn’t do it as beautifully

Above the clouds and the kite, it shines with all its might

But all it produces is a flat white light.

“The birds have lost their tweet; butterfly wings have lost their beat.

Your lollipop doesn’t look so sweet.

The bee’s lost its bop; stop lights say only go and stop

And the hair on your head looks like a used mop.

“Oh my, I beg your pardon. Look here in my prized flower garden.

Now there is a sight to make a soft soul harden.

Sunflowers look like ice, and daffodils have lost their spice.

And my tulips and buttercups just don’t look quite as nice.

“The food in my hand has gone simply bland.

And I’ve lost my desire for the meals that I planned

The corn lost its pop, and the butter on top

And the mustard for my hot dog looks like plain gray slop.

“All my lemons lost their zeal, the eggs no yolks reveal,

and even my bananas have lost their appeal.

I'm missing one from the menu of Jello.

The world's as sad as the sound of a cello

Now that world has no yellow.

“There’s a problem to address, and here is my guess:

How did losing one color create such a mess?

Here from my front door, the world looks quite a bore.

It lacks something special; it needs something more.

“The world is much worse, since I conjured up this curse.

I shall put this condition into full reverse.

So howdy and hello, I see now, my good fellow

The world needs all its colors. Yes, even yellow!”

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